Benjamin Weiss
Assistant Professor, Sociology
B.A. Occidental College, Ph.D. University of Southern California
Appointed In
Swan Hall #217
On sabbatical

Benjamin Weiss is a sociologist specializing in gender; crime, law and deviance; and organizations.

Dr. Weiss’s research examines how public, private, and nonprofit sectors come together to define and address social problems. His empirical case is the anti-gender-based violence field. Most recently, he conducted fieldwork in a rape crisis center to learn how stakeholders — activists, nonprofit professionals, healthcare providers, and the police — negotiated complex and sometimes contradictory ideas about violence in order to treat victims. He is currently working on a new project on civil remedies for sexual violence.

You can find Dr. Weiss’s published in Social Problems, Theory and Society, and Social Currents, among other venues.Â